24th May 2024
Sanctuary Supported Living

Andy enjoying life at Gore Avenue
Andy, 49, had a tough start in life. After being taken into foster care from a very young age, he first became mentally unwell at the age of 17. This caused him to find it difficult to settle into any accommodation, and subsequently meant that he spent much of his adult life moving between support services.
After such a challenging start, and with no reliable support network around to help him, Andy found himself increasingly reliant on drugs to get through the days. He was evicted from several tenancies, due to his addictions and his worsening mental health needs, which led to him spending two years living on the streets of Greater Manchester.
He was eventually admitted to the Meadowbrook Unit, a long-term rehabilitation service at Salford Royal Hospital, where he stayed for nearly two years while he worked on managing his drug and gambling addictions, and stabilising his mental health.
Working closely with the local Home Engagement and Rehabilitation Team (HEART) and the Sanctuary Supported Living team, he made the move to Gore Avenue, where he has his own en-suite bedroom and receives ongoing personalised support, to help him manage his complex mental health needs.
Andy now has regular meetings with the Gore Avenue team, and particularly his keyworker, to help him gain the self-confidence and the essential skills he needs to one day be able to live independently. This includes support with maintaining his room, attending appointments, budgeting and finances, and gaining life skills, including learning to cook. He also attends drug and alcohol services, where he gets support to help him manage and reduce his addiction.
Since moving to Gore Avenue, Andy has found a new lease of life. One of his big passions is music, and one of his goals is to be able to eventually earn a living from it. He regularly enjoys playing his favourite feel-good tunes for all the residents and staff, and showing off his dance moves. He also loves spending time with animals, so the Gore Avenue team have supported him to take part in volunteering at a local dog rehoming centre.
Andy’s caring and empathetic personality, and great sense of humour, means that he gets on well with the other people who live there and he’s always willing to help them out. He has been attending housing meetings alongside other residents and staff, and has regular input into the activities provided. He’s will also be receiving training so that he can support with the process of recruiting any new staff and help to ensure that they’re the right fit for the service.
Thanks to having a home that fully meets his needs, and the ongoing support he receives, Andy’s mental health is now stable, and he is hoping to remain both mentally and physically well long-term. His main aim for the future is to gain the skills and confidence, and to be well enough, to move on and live independently in a home of his own.
" I’m really happy to be here, and the staff are friendly and understanding."
Andy said: “I feel really settled living at Gore Avenue. I’m really happy to be here, and the staff are friendly and understanding. I can come and go when I want, and I enjoy being able to visit the birds in the local park and feed them every day. I feel safe here and I’m never lonely - there’s always someone around to help me if I need it.”
Sanctuary Supported Living provides accommodation with personalised support for people with learning or physical disabilities, mental health needs, and homeless young people and adults, as well as retirement communities. To find out more about Sanctuary Supported Living’s services, see the latest news or find a service near you.
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